Content Club 60 - Tips for downsizing your home

Downsizing can be a challenging process for many owners. This article shows your clients that you understand some of what they are going through, and offers helpful suggestions - particularly around keeping the end goal in mind and asking for help.

TIP: As well as sending this one out to your database, you could also go on to your local property directory (RPNZ / Guru etc) and search for any property that hasn't changed hands in 15-20 years. Export that list of owners and send a direct mail campaign including this article. Eg. turn it into a letter.

If you take that approach, you might consider changing the headline to 'Are you considering downsizing?' or something less presumptive. You might also like to add in examples / case studies / testimonials from past clients you have helped to downsize recently.

Have an epic week!


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Tips for downsizing your home

Our home holds a special place in our hearts. Especially if it's where our kids have grown up or where we have experienced many of life's milestones.

We become connected to our space in far more than just a physical sense. Our home is where we feel safe to be ourselves and relaxed in our own skin. Where we can put on our ugliest track pants and it doesn't matter in the slightest.

Inevitably though, there comes a time when our existing home no longer serves us the way it once did. A large home can go from being a place full of life and the beautiful chaos that goes with it, to a burden that constantly requires cleaning and repair, with rooms you haven't entered for months.

What was once our safe space can become a weight on our shoulders. A never-ending to-do list of jobs that are always just a bit too hard to face today.