The importance of keeping it simple

The importance of keeping it simple
Photo by Melinda Gimpel / Unsplash

When it comes to advancing your real estate career, it's easy to get overwhelmed with all the possibilities. When in fact, all that really matters is how you answer one question:

How many people will you reach this week?

Specifically, how many people will you engage with via a meeting or phone call? And how many will receive something from you, such as a text message, email, or flyer?

If you want more business, you need to:

  1. Contact more people
  2. Improve the quality of the information they receive
  3. Be more consistent

The type of interaction is critical, too. Some connections are worth more than others.

Ranking contact methods by value to your business

  1. Face-to-face meeting
  2. Phone call
  3. Hand-written card
  4. Text message
  5. Posted newsletter
  6. Email newsletter
  7. Farm area flyers
  8. Social media posts

Your time should be allocated in that order too, with most of it set aside for in-person meetings and phone calls, and a very small amount dedicated to updating your social media accounts.

At the same time, all contact methods have value, and some have far more leverage than others. An email newsletter doesn't mean as much as a phone call, but you can send 5,000 emails in 30 minutes.

The magic really starts to happen when you combine a regular email newsletter with consistent daily phone calls and posted mailouts to your database and farming area.

Read: The only silver bullet in real estate.

How to use this knowledge to grow your business

If you ever find yourself wondering where your next listing is coming from, go back to the contact method list above and pick something to action:

Better still, turn all of this into a weekly prospecting plan to build consistency and supercharge the growth of your business.

And remember, if you want more listings, you need to contact more people.

How many will you reach this week?

Content Club: How to avoid overcapitalising when renovating your home

An ideal article to drop in your next email newsletter, or farm area mailout.

Content Club 40 - How to avoid overcapitalising when renovating your home
If selling is a possibility, then choosing which parts of your home to renovate can make a massive difference to your end result. Sadly, many owners spend money on changes they don’t have to, chewing up energy, time and finances in the process.

New Podcast: How much is an appraisal worth to your business

We tend to think that a listing is worth 1 big commission. And that every appraisal that doesn't turn into a listing is worth nothing. But this is flawed logic. Find out why in our latest podcast.

How much is an appraisal worth to your business?
We tend to think that a listing is worth 1 big commission. And that every appraisal that doesn’t turn into a listing is worth nothing. But this is flawed logic.

To subscribe to the show, search 'Agent Monday' on Spotify, Apple podcasts, or any popular podcast app.

Quick tip: How to encourage buyers to take action

One key question to help you generate more offers...

How to encourage buyers to take action (1 key question to generate offers)
Offers = Action. In this market, any offer is like gold. Even the cheeky, low ones. They give you a reason to keep in touch with other buyers, a perception of social proof (other buyers like this house, too) and most importantly, offers keep your owners engaged in the process. No