Agent Advice
Last-minute Valentine's Day tips
Just because you've never been a 'Valentines person' doesn't mean you never can be.
Real estate business advice guides designed to help you win more listings, sell more listings and create raving fans. Complete with scripts and templates.
Agent Advice
Just because you've never been a 'Valentines person' doesn't mean you never can be.
Agent Advice
It's not about how much income you generate, it's what you do with it that makes all the difference.
Agent Advice
Agent Advice
Forged by the fires of 2024, it's time to rise forth from the ashes, into the dawning of a new age where every house sells in a reasonable period of time, buyers are motivated to make decisions, and building inspectors collectively revert back to a 1960's
Agent Advice
There are homeowners on your database who are thinking of selling right now that you don't know about. Help ensure your name is top of mind as they consider their real estate options over the break.
Agent Advice
This is the market where you lay the foundation for future dominance. This is the market where the changing of the guard happens, where you become the go-to local real estate expert.
Agent Advice
A few weeks back we published a guide titled 'how to beat the discount agents - part 1'. This came about because I was hearing from a number of coaching clients that they were finding it hard to protect their fee at listing time. In a market where
Agent Advice
Audio version To subscribe to the show, search 'Agent Monday' on Spotify, Apple podcasts, or any popular podcast app. It's hard to quantify the value of the work you do that doesn't directly lead to a commission: * Being nice to nosy neighbours at open
Agent Advice
Every owner of every property currently on the market with a salesperson wants to know what's going on with their campaign. They want to be well-informed. At the same time, there is always a lot to do in real estate and we need to be smart about how
Agent Advice
How many hours have you spent starting at a blank white page in Microsoft Word, trying to write an epic property advert but having no idea where to start? Don't worry, this is the norm. We've all been there. The easy way out is to jumble
Agent Advice
We need to find ways to celebrate our success on a regular and consistent basis. To take stock and remind ourselves (and our ever-patient families) why we do what we do.
Agent Advice
If you want to win awards and bring in those big commission paydays, you've got to win the call-reluctance battle. This guide will show you how.