Real Estate Advert Headline Ideas: Motivated Vendor

Scroll down for 16 advert headline ideas, opening and closing advert scripts, attention-grabbing content for your next newsletter, and more ideas to get those hard-to-sell properties out the door.

An all-to-common scenario...

You've been fighting to sell one of your listings for the last 12 weeks. You finally secured a price reduction from the owner last night, and now it's right in the selling zone.

The problem is, now it's an old listing. Open homes have gone quiet. Buyers aren't ringing.

How do you generate enquiry and get offers coming in the door? How do you create action for your owner?

Step 1: Ask permission from your owners to use more motivation in the property advert.

Explain that the goal is not to make it look like a desperate sale, but to get action happening.

Script: "I would rather bring you offers you end up turning down, than not bring you any offers at all. Activity sparks activity, and even a low offer from an investor allows us to call a deadline. And in that situation, more offers can come out of the woodwork."

Step 2: Use one of our high-motivation real estate headline ideas below.

Step 3: Add motivation to the first and last lines of your advert, too.

Scroll down for an example...

Step 4: Use our Listing Refresh Checklist for more ideas.