PLR Content for Real Estate Agents
We give you content to share with your audience and teach you how to use it to grow your business.

Are you looking for engaging real estate content to add to your email newsletter or blog?
That's exactly what we provide. Sort of.
PLR (Private Label Rights) usually means you pay a one-off fee and you have a licence to use that piece of content for life. You might buy a single article or checklist this way.
Instead, at Agent Monday, we have a subscription model and we limit the total number of members (500 max worldwide). This makes the content cheaper, plus you know that the real estate content you are using is fresh and semi-exclusive. Keep reading to find out more.
Why use Agent Monday?
Most PLR content you find online written for real estate agents sounds click-bait-ish and salesy. You can tell the articles have been written by someone who has never actually sold a house in their life.
Agent Monday is different. All our articles and resources are written by a professional real estate blogger with 14 years of experience marketing residential property.
That's me, by the way. My name is Andrew Duncan and I know what it's like to sit there and wonder where your next listing is coming from.
In the aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis in 2008, I stumbled upon a marketing strategy which unlocked consistent commission income and a never-ending supply of listing opportunities. With zero cold-calling or knocking on doors.
I used that strategy to sell 50+ houses per year for over a decade. Now I teach other people how to do the same.
You can read the whole story here:
When I originally started coaching other agents I discovered there was a missing link. Agents understood the concept of content marketing, and they wanted to emulate my strategy. But, they didn't have the time or writing skills to put together engaging, educational articles.
That's where Agent Monday comes in. We give you content to share with your audience and teach you how to use it to grow your business.
Once you sign up, you are part of an exclusive group of salespeople who receive access to a complete catalogue of copyright-free articles, targeted to buyers and sellers that you can share with your audience.
Agent Monday articles are designed to help you build and cement your position as THE go-to real estate expert in your area.
Popular articles your audience will love:
Five Minor Home Improvements that Add Major Resale Value
How to Avoid Underselling Your Home
How to Negotiate a Better Interest Rate From Your Bank
Should You Trust Online Property Valuations?
Is Now a Good Time to Buy Property?
How to Convert Your Garage into a Home Office
You can use these articles any way you like. You don't have to link back to us. You can copy and paste the text and put it in your new listing emails, printed newsletters, social-media posts, on your website. Wherever you like. Feel free to put your own spin on them if you want to!
As soon as you become a member, you gain instant access to our entire back catalogue, with dozens of articles you can use today.
With Agent Monday, you'll have the content and strategy to unlock more listing opportunities from your database by effectively keeping in touch on a regular basis.