One week till Christmas action plan
There are homeowners on your database who are thinking of selling right now that you don't know about. Help ensure your name is top of mind as they consider their real estate options over the break.
There are homeowners on your database who are thinking of selling right now that you don't know about. Help ensure your name is top of mind as they consider their real estate options over the break.
This is the market where you lay the foundation for future dominance. This is the market where the changing of the guard happens, where you become the go-to local real estate expert.
Audio version To subscribe to the show, search 'Agent Monday' on Spotify, Apple podcasts, or any popular podcast app. It's hard to quantify the value of the work you do that doesn't directly lead to a commission: * Being nice to nosy neighbours at open
There is a backlog of property investors in your market right now who have been wanting to sell for the last few years, but felt that it made sense to ride out the down market first. Now they are wondering if the time is right to make a move. They
Every owner of every property currently on the market with a salesperson wants to know what's going on with their campaign. They want to be well-informed. At the same time, there is always a lot to do in real estate and we need to be smart about how
How many hours have you spent starting at a blank white page in Microsoft Word, trying to write an epic property advert but having no idea where to start? Don't worry, this is the norm. We've all been there. The easy way out is to jumble
We need to find ways to celebrate our success on a regular and consistent basis. To take stock and remind ourselves (and our ever-patient families) why we do what we do.
If you want to win awards and bring in those big commission paydays, you've got to win the call-reluctance battle. This guide will show you how.
Positivity and Urgency are a powerful combination. Use them together to maximise the effectiveness of your real estate marketing.
We have all experienced the sudden feeling of challenge and competition that arises when a potential seller announces they are considering hiring a discount operator. We all have 1% salespeople working in our markets, attracting business with the lure of a cheap commission. So how do we compete in this
This is one of our Content Club feature articles. Copy and paste the text into your newsletter, latest listing emails, social media channels, or add it to your website as a blog post. The goal is to keep in touch with your database and generate appraisals.
Agent Advice
We tend to think that a listing is worth 1 big commission. And that every appraisal that doesn't turn into a listing is worth nothing. But this is flawed logic.
Agent Advice
There is a place for delegation in real estate. In fact, delegating is critical if you want to free up your time to focus on high-value activities. But lately, I'm seeing a move towards a different kind of outsourcing. Companies believe you can outsource your prospecting and your
Agent Advice
As an industry, we are missing a golden opportunity to celebrate all the agents who add value to our teams, even if they don't consistently rank no.1 in sales.
Agent Advice
What you lack in experience, you must make up for with energy and market knowledge.
Agent Advice
If you walk into your office without a plan, you will end up part of someone else's plan.
Agent Advice
Because what's the point of succeeding in real estate if it comes at the cost of your relationships with the ones you love most?
Agent Advice
Ideally, homeowners in your farming area should receive something in their letterbox from you every month. 12 times a year. You might even want to step it up to fortnightly during the traditional busy listing periods (early Summer and early Spring in most areas).
Change is coming. Now is the time to double down on all your marketing and prospecting activities.
Agent Advice
Effective real estate newsletters include timeless advice that helps your future clients make educated real estate decisions.
Agent Advice
Real estate is not traditionally considered a high-impact industry when it comes to greenhouse gas emissions. But we do have an opportunity to stand out from our competitors and create an instant point of difference if we can show that we care about the same things that our customers do.
Agent Advice
Would you like to chat one-on-one about your business? This is where you can book a video call with me, Andrew Duncan, founder of Agent Monday. I specialise in helping property professionals grow their businesses using smart marketing techniques, while also finding balance in life. You can learn from my
Agent Advice
While every other agent is floundering, you can stand out from the crowd and grow your business. In this article, I'll tell you how. This post includes vendor dialogues, advert script ideas and buyer servicing strategies.