Content Club - Is it a good idea to invest in bare land?

Content Club - Is it a good idea to invest in bare land?

I recently tagged along to view a section-for-sale with a close friend of mine. He was interested in buying a block of land with the idea that it would make a good investment over the next 5-10 years.

I was blown away by how interested he was, even though the section itself wasn't much to look at. There is just something innately attractive to all of us about owning land. A place to call ours, even if there is nothing on it yet.

This week's article is a condensed version of the tips I offered my friend after the viewing. My advice to him on the proposition of investing in bare land.

It provides a balanced, if not cautious view on the inherent opportunity and you might think that seems strange at first. But what I have learned after nearly 2 decades of coaching buyers and sellers is that we build trust when we provide a balanced opinion. We build credibility when we provide our clients with pitfalls to watch out for and mistakes to avoid, while supporing them along their journey, whatever they decide to do.

If potential clients walk away from their interaction with us with useful knowledge that they didn't have before, then we have done our jobs. We have added value to their real estate process.

Have an epic week!


PS. Click here for more advice on how to use this article.