How to win your next appraisal in the first 5 minutes

Appraisals and listing presentations are the ultimate job interview. Here are our top tips to win the business from the moment you walk in the door...

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Take the right information with you.

Your first job in any appraisal situation is to establish proficiency and build trust. You can do this by knowing the local market better than anyone else.

Familiarise yourself with the last 30 sales in the same area as the property you are appraising. Work out the median number of days to sell, average sale price and average price compared to rateable value or government valuation if applicable.

For more ideas, check out our guide on what else to take with you to an appraisal.

Show up early, get in the zone

Arrive 10 minutes early and drive around the neighbourhood to see if any new 'for sale' signs have popped up that you need to know about. Next, park your car 50m down the street and put on your favourite uplifting song to help raise your positive energy. Take a few deep breaths and smile.

At the end of the day, 'sales' is simply a transfer of energy.

Let go of the outcome

The most powerful mindset to take into any job interview is one of total preparedness, completely free of any attachment to the outcome.

Rather than focussing on how much you want the listing, treat the next hour like you are simply visiting an old friend to catch up and offer helpful advice for their upcoming property sale.

Give your time, knowledge and attention freely, as a gift, without expectation of anything in return. Your potential clients will love this approach, which builds instant loyalty and trust.

Take a pack of biscuits (vegan, GF)

There is a psychological power to the act of 'breaking bread' together which can instantly deepen a relationship and enact the law of reciprocity.

Take a pack of high-quality biscuits with you to the appointment. Many people have dietary requirements these days, so make sure they are vegan and gluten-free to cover all bases. Kea Cookies are a great option, available at any supermarket.

For the same reasons - always say yes to a drink if the owners offer you one.

Take off your shoes

Even if the owner says you don't have to - take off your shoes. It's important to show respect throughout your appointment. This shows you will take care of their home when you have potentially dozens of people turning up to an open home.

Ask the right questions

Start the appointment by asking the most important question...

"Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to visit with you today. It's a pleasure to be here. Can I start by asking - what would you most like to get out of our time together? What are the biggest questions on your mind right now?"

For most owners, the answer will be similar. Something along the lines of: "We want know what our house is worth, how to sell it, and what your fees are..."

While we know this is the case, the owners don't. By asking this question up front you put owners at ease by establishing that you are there to give them exactly what they want.

Check out our full guide outlining the questions you should be asking in your appraisals to increase your chances of winning the listing...

23 Questions to win your next Real estate listing presentation
Rather than worrying about how good you are at closing, or whether you’ll get the appraisal range wrong, focus on understanding what your client is trying to achieve. Then, provide tips and advice specific to their situation.

Listen and take notes

Speak at the owner's pace and listen intently. Don't rush to jump in with your answers or suggestions. Keep asking questions and let the owners do most of the talking.

It can be hard not to dominate the conversation, especially when you come in with high energy, on the back of 4 coffees and a rollercoaster day. Take a deep breath and slooooow down. If the conversation slows down, don't fill it with fluff, ask another question, instead. The more they do the talking, the more they realise that you really care about their situation and what they are trying to achieve.

And don't forget to take notes!

Bonus tips:

  • Call the owners at the start of the day to confirm the appointment time.
  • Send a pre-listing kit!

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