Content Club 55 - How to sell a home

Content Club 55 - How to sell a home

Last week, our feature article was on how to buy a home. This week, we are covering the other side of the process. It's a quick snapshot guide to help owners make smart decisions when it comes to selling their property.

This article is perfect for the following uses:

  • Copy and paste it into your email newsletter
  • Post it on your blog / website
  • In your pre-listing kit (or listing presentation booklet)
  • The basis of your next posted newsletter
  • As an open home handout
  • To be converted into a video for social media

The last idea - converting into a video is a super smart way to quickly turn this into social-media ready content. Simply turn on your camera, read the article out loud and then post it on Facebook / Instagram / LinkedIn / Youtube and anywhere else you have an audience.

Click here for more ideas on how to use this article to grow your business.

Have an epic week!


PS. Keep sending your topic ideas through. We love your feedback.

How to sell a home

When it comes to selling your home, the first and most important principle to understand is:

You get one chance to do it right.

Houses are at their most popular when they first go on the market. So you want to avoid making initial compromises that could have a negative impact on the final result.

What does this look like in practice?

Make sure your price is right from the start. Invest in professional photography and put lots of information online to make it easy for buyers to fall in love with your property.

Many owners try and test the market first with an exceedingly high price expectation or poor quality marketing. Both of which can create a situation where you miss out on the best buyers in the market, jeopardising your ability to secure a premium result.

The next most important principle: