How to manage 8+ listings at once

The tools we learn in this market to increase our capacity without working more hours, set you up to earn massive money when the market rebounds.

How to manage 8+ listings at once
Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko / Unsplash

In a hot market, you can carry 2-3 listings at a time and potentially still sell a house most weeks.

In a flat market, you might need to carry 8+ listings just to maintain a similar sales and income level.

So the obvious question becomes: How do you manage more listings in the same number of hours?

How do you maintain, and hopefully grow your income without working loads more hours, sacrificing family time, health and personal wellbeing?

More than ever before - you need a plan. A set of rules you can follow to manage large stock numbers effectively. Because we all know that while it's great to have listings, if those listings aren't selling, they very quickly become a liability rather than an asset. A cause of stress, rather than optimism.

Strategies for managing 2 - 3x your usual listing numbers.

The good news is, the tools we learn in this market to increase our capacity without working more hours, are what set you up to earn massive money when the market rebounds.

Put another way, if you can learn how to easily manage 8+ listings now, think about what would happen if you could consistently market 8+ listings in a hot market?

If you are used to holding 2-3 properties (or less), then you could easily triple or quadruple your income when the market improves, using the strategies you will find in this guide.

Setting appointments

Your time is critical. You can't be chasing your tail all over town at the drop of a hat. Yes, we are in a service industry, but that doesn't mean you have to instantly say yes to every single appointment request.

If you want to run 8+ listings and still have a life, you need to be extremely judicious with your calendar. Real estate appointments need to work around your 'big rocks' like family time, prospecting and marketing (sending email newsletters etc).

It's important to remember sellers (and buyers) want to deal with a successful salesperson. Position yourself as an 'in-demand agent' right from the start if you want clients to respect your opinions, fees and advice throughout the buying and selling process.

How most appointments are usually set (the wrong way):

Buyer: "We would like to view your listing at 24 Main Street."

Agent: "What time would suit you?

Buyer: "10 am Saturday"

Agent: "Ok! See you then."

What does this interaction say to a buyer? Potentially, it sends a message that you need a sale, you aren't very busy and they can expect you to work around their schedule with every interaction moving forward.

How to set appointments from now on (the right way):