A better way to think about prospecting

When you talk about prospecting, it's easy to feel like you are pushing something on people that they don't actually want. It makes me think of door-knocking and cold-calling. This year, rather than thinking you need a prospecting plan, reframe it as a 'connection' plan.

A better way to think about prospecting

Prospecting can sometimes feel like a dirty word.

When you talk about prospecting, it's easy to feel like you are pushing something on people that they don't actually want. It makes me think of door-knocking, cold-calling, or handing out flyers at a train station.

This year, rather than thinking you need a prospecting plan, how about reframing it as a 'connection' plan.

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Focus on connection and adding value

Say to yourself, "I need to connect with 5 people today". Rather than, "I need to make 5 prospecting calls".

Humans crave genuine connection. But no one wants to be 'prospected'.

And when you do make those calls, don't focus on 'I want a listing today'. Focus on how you can help that person. What do they need right now?

Is there are recent local sale they would be interested to know about?

Do they have outstanding home maintenance jobs that are causing them anxiety?

Who do you know that could assist in getting those jobs done?

Do they just want a fellow local to chat to for a few minutes?

Add value to enough people and you will generate all the business you need.

It's a subtle shift but focussing on connecting rather than prospecting will make you feel better about picking up the phone and connecting with your potential clients and past customers.

The end result will be:

More calls, more connections and more listing opportunities.

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Till Monday!

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