Agent Advice
The only silver bullet in real estate sales
If you want to grow your income and/or free up your time, leverage everything you do to achieve maximum benefit.
Blogger, podcaster and coach. Plant-based food lover and self-confessed night owl. Favourite quote: "Perfection is the enemy of progress."
Agent Advice
If you want to grow your income and/or free up your time, leverage everything you do to achieve maximum benefit.
Agent Advice
Ready to secure your next listing? There are 5 key things you should take to every appraisal to maximise your chances of winning the business.
Agent Advice
Meet my personal mindset coach, Eddie Rakanui. It's no exaggeration to say that Eddie has changed my life. I used to suffer from serious imposter syndrome, a lack of confidence and a kind of paralysis caused by my in-built need to avoid confrontation at all costs. Thanks in
Agent Advice
In this podcast, I share specific strategies and a whole heap of scripts to maximise your chances of creating a positive client experience, even when the sale price ends up being less than what the owners originally wanted. To subscribe to the show, search 'Agent Monday' on Spotify,
Agent Advice
What you lack in experience, you must make up for with energy and market knowledge.
This kind of content is a great way to stay in touch with owners in your area. We don't have to always be chasing listings and sales. Be useful first and foremost, and the deals will come.
Agent Advice
One of the biggest real estate career killers is the blame game trap. When the going gets tough, it's easy to blame your office, your manager, the market, or your vendors. Even your spouse. You name it, it's easy to find a scapegoat for your troubles.
Agent Advice
It's ok to feel the way you feel. You are not alone.
Agent Advice
When I speak to Agent Monday members, two frequently asked questions are: How do I create my own website/blog? And... What tool do I use for sending an email newsletter? What if you could do both in the same place? Let me introduce you to Substack: Substack for bloggersBloggers
Agent Advice
If you walk into your office without a plan, you will end up part of someone else's plan.