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Thanks for joining us!

Welcome! It's great to have you on board.

As an Agent Advice member, you now have access to all our members-only resources designed to help you grow your real estate business.

Looking for somewhere to start?

If you are fairly new in real estate, or looking to relaunch your career after a quiet period, check out our step by step guide to building a real estate business.

The step-by-step guide to building a real estate business.
To get established in real estate you have two key jobs: Build a database, and show everyone you are proficient at selling houses.

You might also want to check out, how to get your first sale in real estate.

How to get your first sale in real estate
What you lack in experience, you must make up for with energy and market knowledge.

Ready to take your career to the next level?

Increasing your sales and earning more commissions all comes down to leveraging your time and your past success...

Agent Advice: How to leverage your last sale into more listing opportunities
Here are 9 ways you can turn your recent sale into more listing opportunities.

Bringing the right assistant into your business can make all the difference.

Hiring a Personal Assistant in your real estate business
One of the best parts of hiring an assistant is that they become your ‘second brain’, saving you from those little mistakes that happen when we suddenly get busy with multiple listings and sales happening all at once.

You might also be considering adding a buyers agent to your team?

Agent Advice: How to Hire a Buyers Agent
In this article we’ll cover all the factors you need to consider when adding a buyers agent to your team. Including: Pay schemes, whether to hire a rookie, part time vs full time, job description and more.

And if you are achieving a level of success, one of your biggest challenges right now might be managing stress levels...

Agent Advice: Mental health tips for real estate success
If you can find strategies that work for you to help you minimise stress, then it will not only make you a happier person, it will make you a better spouse, parent, leader, employer, sibling and a better real estate agent.

On the topic of mental health, what is the point of making lots of money if you don't have time to enjoy it? If you feel real estate rich but time-poor, check out this guide on how to understand your core business and free up your time:

Do you know where your business is coming from?
Spend the majority of your prospecting/connection time on the people that are making you successful.

We have dozens more step-by-step advice guides on our website. Take a look through what's there and see what catches your eye.

TIP: Start using a weekly checklist and add one new idea to your business each week, or each month.

Our advice guides are designed to help you succeed in real estate, grow your business and perform at your very best. We also have a podcast you can follow on Spotify (or wherever you enjoy listening to podcasts).

Ready for some personal accountability?

You can also book a one-on-one coaching session with the founder of Agent Monday via this link:

Book a personal coaching session
Would you like to chat one-on-one about your business? This is where you can book a video call with me, Andrew Duncan, founder of Agent Monday. I specialise in helping property professionals grow their business using smart marketing techniques, while also finding balance in life. You can learn from my

The 3 skills you need to succeed in this market
The exclusive content club for real estate professionals. We give you educational info to share with your audience and teach you how to use it to grow your business.
How to bounce back when an offer falls over
Ideas to help you deal with the loss, bounce back quickly and get the property sold as soon as possible.
How to approach deadlines when you have no offers (podcast)
The exclusive content club for real estate professionals. We give you educational info to share with your audience and teach you how to use it to grow your business.
Why this is the best market to work in (as a real estate agent)
While every other agent is floundering, you can stand out from the crowd and grow your business. In this article, I’ll tell you how. This post includes vendor dialogues, advert script ideas and buyer servicing strategies.
If you want more listings - focus on repetition
The exclusive content club for real estate professionals. We give you educational info to share with your audience and teach you how to use it to grow your business.
What to do with an overpriced / hard to sell listing
There are no bad houses. There are just different houses. And every home would sell tomorrow at a certain price level. Therefore, every listing is a good listing, at the right price.
Listing Tool: Introducing the ‘Agent Scoring Matrix’
The magic of the agent scoring matrix is that it provides equal importance to all aspects of a salesperson’s proposal, not just commission rate and appraisal range.
Open home follow up strategies (including scripts)
Stop treating visitors like potential buyers and start treating them like potential vendors. This subtle mental switch can make you better at spotting opportunities and building customer-for-life relationships.
How to reconnect with your database
The key to unlocking a real estate business with consistent commission income is to build a machine that produces a steady stream of listing opportunities. That machine is your database combined with a regular communication strategy.
Digital Marketing Masterclass with Eran Malloch
Introducing our first guest on the Agent Monday Podcast! Eran Malloch has been part of our journey right from the start. As a digital marketing specialist based in Perth, Australia, Eran helps his clients secure listing leads online, using Facebook, Google, Youtube and Blogs. He then helps his clie…
Real estate agents: Here’s what to put in your pre-listing kits
The phone rings and it’s a potential vendor. Hurray! You book an appointment and start researching, excited to find out if it’s an attractive property. Stop! Before you go too far, remember to put together a pre-listing kit and get it in front of the owner asap. What is a
Have you ever considered starting a real estate podcast?
In every market, there will at some point be a ‘Wellington real estate podcast’ or ‘South Sydney real estate podcast’ that updates local owners on property news, local stats, recent sales and offers educational tips and advice for buyers and sellers. Why not own this space before anyone else?
Agent Advice - How to generate listings from open homes
Open homes are essentially your shop front, providing you with a golden opportunity to get face to face with buyers and sellers in your area. They are your time to shine! However, throughout my career, I have seen countless salespeople fail to make the most of this golden opportunity to
How to survive your first 2 years in real estate (or get your existing career back on track)
Getting established in real estate can be tough. The majority of new salespeople leave the industry within 2 years of starting. Many of them earning next to no income during that time. Owners are doing more and more research online before selecting an agent, which often leads them towards the
Agent Advice - How to get more vendor-paid advertising
An exclusive content marketing club for real estate professionals. We give you helpful, educational info to share with your audience and teach you how to use it to grow your business.
Doing good better: How real estate agents can save lives (and the planet)
Real estate professionals are among the most generous people in the world. To members of the public that may sound like a bold statement, with the public perception often centring around thoughts of commission-hungry salespeople, extracting every last dollar from vulnerable buyers. But the truth is…
How to ask for a price reduction (scripts included)
An exclusive content marketing club for real estate professionals. We give you helpful, educational info to share with your audience and teach you how to use it to grow your business.
Convert potential sellers to listings using Agent Monday content
Potential sellers ideally need more regular communication than your general database. If someone is close to making a major real estate decision then you should be emailing them useful info at least once per week and following up with a phone call every 2-4 weeks.
Conquer your to-do-list with the 1-3-5 rule
Do you find it hard to tick off everything on your to do list? You are not alone. Most of us start each day with grand intentions - scribbling down a long list of seemingly important tasks, only to get pulled in twenty different directions once the phone starts ringing and the emails start pouring …
Stuck in a rut? How to climb your way out of survival mode.
An exclusive content marketing club for real estate professionals. We give you helpful, educational info to share with your audience and teach you how to use it to grow your business.
Simple growth hack: Reward every referral. Even the ones who don’t list with you.
The person making the referral can’t control what comes of the lead. They can only make the initial connection. So if you want to generate more referral business (and who doesn’t), then it stands to reason that you want to reward all referrals, whether they result in business or not.
6 ideas to generate a new listing in the next 7 days (with scripts and templates)
An exclusive content marketing club for real estate professionals. We give you helpful, educational info to share with your audience and teach you how to use it to grow your business.
How to turn online browsers into potential vendors
You can create a huge amount of goodwill and generate more business by offering a client-friendly experience. That means, giving customers more of what they want (info) without making them search for it.
To succeed in real estate, embrace a positive mindset
Do you portray a positive mindset to every single person you meet? When you work in real estate, every adult you meet is a potential client. Even if they aren’t looking to buy or sell right now, they may be able to refer you to someone who is. With that in mind, if you want to grow (or maintain)…
How to get better at listing presentations
In this guide, I will run you through my top tips for improving your appraisal to list ratio.
On the power of checklists...
The key to creating consistent income in real estate is to consistently follow a plan.
A better way to think about prospecting
When you talk about prospecting, it’s easy to feel like you are pushing something on people that they don’t actually want. It makes me think of door-knocking and cold-calling. This year, rather than thinking you need a prospecting plan, reframe it as a ‘connection’ plan.
Marketing Resource: Intro letter for a Pre-Appraisal pack or Listing Presentation
Most listing presentations are pretty vanilla. They go straight into talking all about the agent, rather than focussing on the owner and their needs. This intro, on the other hand, speaks directly to the owner’s desires and their motivations for moving.
The moving billboard: Is it a good idea to get your vehicle sign-written?
Turning your car into a roaming billboard is one of the most cost-effective marketing options available to any real estate professional. You pay once for signwriting and it creates business for you as long as you drive that vehicle.
Have you set up (and optimised) your Google Business profile yet?
Setting up your Google Business profile (or asking for reviews if you already have a profile) is one of those critical tasks that aren’t urgent, but it doesn’t take long and it will help move your business forward.
Letting go of Christmas card anxiety
As much as I love email newsletters, I believe that in a world of online marketing, hand-written cards stand out. What’s important is that you zig when others are zagging. If everyone else is sending a Christmas card, send a ‘Happy New Year’ card. Your message will stand out more that way.
Real estate giveaway ideas
Everyone knows you can get a branded pen and a fridge-magnet notepad. But what if you want something a little more memorable? More creative? The choices are endless and the challenge is finding something that suits everyone.
Agent Advice: Mental health tips for real estate success
Real estate is a brilliant business to be in. There is always demand for our services, we generally don’t have to chase late payment of invoices, there are very few barriers to entry and we get paid well for what we do! It’s a career that offers freedom, variety and connection. But success can be a…
How to improve your phone conversations
Don’t listen with the intent to respond. Listen with the intent to understand. If you find yourself thinking about what to say next, before they have finished talking, then you aren’t actively listening as well as you should be.
How often should I email my database?
If you email more often, you will get unsubscribes. But this is counter-balanced by the benefit you’ll receive by keeping in touch more often with clients who are open to receiving your message.
Agent Advice: What to give out at open homes
Open homes are our show-room, our ‘front of house’. It’s the single best opportunity you have to met large numbers of people in one place and have engaging one-on-one conversations about their needs and desires.
Agent Advice: The 2-hour work week prospecting plan
The more often you contact people, whether it’s in person, via phone, text, email, snail-mail, social media, or via open homes, the more likely you are to have business in your pipeline in 2, 3, 4 months time and beyond.
Agent Advice: How to Hire a Buyers Agent
In this article we’ll cover all the factors you need to consider when adding a buyers agent to your team. Including: Pay schemes, whether to hire a rookie, part time vs full time, job description and more.
Agent Advice: How to grow your email newsletter list
Sending your company’s latest listings out once a week with no other content is simply not going to cut it. Most of the people on your database are probably not looking for a home right now, so you need to add more info to make sure there is something for everyone.
Agent Advice: Don’t fear UNSUBSCRIBES
Letting unsubscribes stop you from emailing your database is like letting one negative reaction at an open home stop you from running open homes forever.
Agent Advice: A simpler way to think about marketing yourself
In case you are new to Agent Monday, be sure to check out our most popular advice guides: * 9 ways to turn your last sale into more listing opportunities [/agent-advice-how-to-leverage-your-last-sale-into-more-listing-opportunities/] * Listing refresh checklist [/listing-refresh-checklist/] - …
Agent Advice: How to leverage your last sale into more listing opportunities
This week, we are focussed on leverage. In these current market conditions, listings are hard to come by. So you need to make the most of every opportunity to grow your business. What does this look like in practice? It’s all about leveraging the work you are already doing for maximum benefit. A…
How to sell 50+ houses a year with zero prospecting
In the aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis, I stumbled upon a marketing strategy which unlocked consistent commission income and a never-ending supply of listing opportunities. With zero cold-calling or knocking on doors.
Agent Advice: Listing Refresh Checklist / Ideas to generate more buyer enquiry
If you are unsatisfied with the amount of enquiry you are getting on one of your properties, use this checklist to come up with ideas to get things moving.
Agent Advice: How to know when it’s time to hire a Personal Assistant (plus skills to look for)
If you can hire someone to do a job you are doing, for far less than your own value per hour, then it makes financial sense to hire someone to do that job.
How to write compelling property adverts
Keep the following tips in mind if you want to write more compelling adverts...
Tool Suggestion: Are you using Grammarly?
This free online tool will improve the quality of your writing and save you from most basic typos.
Prospecting Accountability Challenge...
A special shout-out to Ben Cartwright from Ray White Wellington [] for this idea! Here’s the challenge: Call 30 buyers this week who visited open homes more than 1 month ago. These buyers often get forgotten but there is massive opportunity here. You can be the…
12 Ways to use Agent Monday Articles to Grow Your Business
Use these content marketing strategies to position yourself as THE go-to real estate expert in your local market.
How to make your email newsletter stand out
You can only call so many people in a day. Email newsletters let you keep in touch with thousands of people, while you work closely with your clients who are making moves right now.
How to run a five star open home
This article is part of our ‘agent advice’ series. Every week we provide tips and strategies to help you grow your business.
How to set appointments like a pro
You can take back control of your day. This simple script will improve your time management and allow you to focus on dollar-productive acitivity.
Tips to make your email newsletter stand out
First up, we should answer the question: Q. Why send an email newsletter? If you’ve subscribed to Agent Monday, you probably understand the value of keeping in touch with your audience. But just in case you need some reminding, email newsletters are: * Free to send (or at least very cost-effect…